All About Astrology

All About Astrology

General information about astrology. Includes various theories about astrology, astrological philosophy, general uses of astrology, history of astrology, etc.

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All About Astrology
  • A History of Western Astrology in 90 Minutes, with Chris Brennan

    Everyone knows that astrology has a long and venerable history, but few astrologers know the full details about where astrology originated and how it came to be what it is today. The goal of this lecture is to take the entire 4,000-year history of astrology and condense it down into a series of e...

  • Buddhism and Meditation in Astrology, with Michael Erlewine

    Michael Erlewine describes the use of meditation in astrological practice and counseling.

    From 2012.

  • A Fascinating Quest for Alexander the Great's Birth Chart, with Thomas Gazis

    Apart from his marvelous deeds, there is something more to Alexander. Some very unusual charisma seems to ever emanate out of this unique personality, a charisma which we can still feel today, 2300 years later. Actually, there are so many heroic and – at the same time – tragic archetypes enacted ...

  • Speaking Your Chart: The Essence of a Planetary Placement, with Frank Clifford

    When clients, friends and public figures "speak their charts," we astrologers collect gems that inform our practice and help us expand and fine-tune our astrological vocabulary. In this talk, Frank presents a series of birth charts, entertaining real-life observations, and quotations that get to ...

  • Virtual Astronomy: A Demo of "Starry Night" Software, with Gregory Clare

    Astronomy and astrology are forever coupled!

    Astronomy is an integral part of astrology, and to assist you in your journey to discover astronomy’s hidden gems, having the right software can be extremely rewarding.

    On April 19, 2021, NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter became the first spacecraft i...

  • Making Friends with Astrology, with Roy Gillett

    Knowing the astrology of people, as well as of present, past and future times, enables us to see the world through others’ eyes; to experience their needs, fears and pleasures, as if they were our own. We see them as a complete Universe and feel responsible for all.

    Roy illustrates this with ind...

  • Introduction to the Symmetrical World of Uranian Astrology, with Bruce Scofield

    In this lecture Bruce gives a bit of history and briefly explains a few of the key concepts such as midpoints, planetary pictures, solar arc directions, and the Transneptunian planets.

    From 2014.

  • Astrology: How and Why Does It Work?, with Armand Diaz, Ph.D.

    As above, so below. The music of the spheres. Synchronicity. Physical effects of the moon and sun. Through the ages, astrologers have held many ideas about how and why astrology works, reflecting an evolving worldview. In this talk we will follow the line of thought from classical times to the co...

  • The Gift of Flight: For People Who Work with Children, with Alex Trenoweth

    For parents and teachers, where educating children is a major concern: how can we get them interested in learning without dictating what they should learn? How can we keep them disciplined enough to endure 6 hours at a desk without crushing their spirits? And most importantly, how do we prepare o...

  • You Don’t Really Believe in That Stuff, Do You?, with Luke Bayley

    Many years of research into how and why astrology works culminates in this lecture. Here we delve into various topics and show astrology working from a scientific and mathematical level, along with evidence that science has still not quite grasped yet.

    Luke presents a theory on how astrology wor...

  • A Psychic, an Astrologer, a Prophet, and a Medium Walk into a Bar..., with Samuel Reynolds

    Reynolds explores the similarities and differences between the worlds of astrology, psychics, prophets, and mediumship. He proposes a vibrant way of seeing the world that gets us beyond titles, disciplines, and stilted rules into more enchantment and illumination for each other and those we serve.

  • What Are We Doing, Anyway?, with Robert Hand

    What are we doing anyway? Are we trying to predict the future, change the future, achieve control over our lives? There are many purposes for which people use astrology for and astrologers, themselves, have differing objectives. In this talk I will discuss some of these and especially the more tr...

  • Astrology as a Symbolic Language, with Gregory Clare

    Astrology is a symbolic language which means we interpret and try to make sense of the patterns made by celestial bodies. This language of the gods is rich and deep and has been studied for many thousands of years for the messages it imparts. Just how we go about making sense of the information i...

  • Writing Sun-Sign Columns, with Chris Turner

    Every astrologer, at some point, is either asked or wants to write a Sun-sign column. For half a century they have been the subject of debate.

    Join noted Australian astrologer and IAA Vice-President Chris Turner in this discussion/lecture on writing or recording Sun-sign columns. It includes a “...

  • Healing Human Relationships: Astrology as a Therapeutic Art, with Greg Bogart

    Astrology is a beacon in the relational sphere, shedding light on patterns of relating, the phases and seasons of relationships, the cyclical changing moods, and the planetary laws of attraction. Knowledge of my own astrological profile and consideration of the natal traits and current challenges...

  • IAA Astrology Roundtable 19 June 2020

    Astrology Roundtable discussion hosted by the International Academy of Astrology. Features Sam Reynolds, Chris Turner, Ed Perrone, Anne-Christine Gruber, and Alexis Duong talking about "The Other Great Conjunctions," as well as astrology in general, astrology's future, and also doing a collective...

  • Astrologers: Behaving Normally While Within the Flame of Madness Burns Bright

    Monica discusses the need/ability to balance unorthodox thinking (Uranus) with practical living in the real world (Saturn), particularly in astrologers.

  • Astrology and Community, with Jeff Jawer

    The practice of astrology primarily addresses the character and cycles of individuals. The psychological development of 20th century astrology contributed to trends of individualism that have created both a sense of freedom and alienation. We are empowered with a sense of identity that is freed f...

  • Born Under a Bad Sign?, with Brad Kochunas

    Many astrologers believe that there are no bad signs, malefic planets, or dreadful aspects. If this is so, and the birth chart is a true reflection of the person, then how do we account for the existence of aberrant and pathological behavior? Aren’t there bad, malicious, and dreadful people in th...

  • Introduction to History and Philosophy of Astrological Magic, with Nadiya Shah

    Astrology and magic have an intertwined history. It has long been understood that aligning your desires with the astrological symbols of the moment can bring you closer to them. Seeking help from the Universe, through astrology, is part of our tradition as well. This class will introduce you to s...

  • Psychosomatic Astrology: The Body Talks, with Jane Ridder-Patrick

    Physical symptoms can be seen as creative expressions of our charts and can act out our inner lives to an exactitude that is sometimes breathtaking. When we pay attention to our symptoms — and combine this with the insights of astrology — the deeper meaning and healing potential of our symptoms w...

  • Hellenistic Astrology Through the Oxyrynchus Papyri, with Thomas Gazis

    We could say that the Oxyrhynchus papyri are a sort of time capsule miraculously preserving not only the literature but the daily life that was taking place some 2000 years ago, in the so called Hellenistic era. Actually these papyri were discovered at an archaeological excavation of an ancient r...