Predictive Techniques

Predictive Techniques

Various astrological techniques for predicting future trends and events. These include transits, progressions, directions, and other methods from traditional and modern astrology.

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Predictive Techniques
  • Johannes Kepler's Mundane Astrology, with Nicholas Campion

    Johannes Kepler threw out most of medieval astrology, realising that it had failed, in its own terms, to predict the future. Instead he proposed a reformed astrology which could be used to understand political processes and, perhaps, maintain peace and stability. So, what would Kepler have said a...

  • Astrology in the Hands, with Peter Burns

    Two important questions often asked by astrologers are: Which aspects of the natal chart find expression in real life? and Which transits have a significant effect in the client’s life? The answer is that the hands show which parts the birth chart find expression and which transits are significan...

  • The Most Powerful Predictive System in Astrology, with Joni Patry

    In her search for the most powerful system for prediction, Joni Patry has studied many techniques from Western astrology, but has found the Dasha system from Vedic astrology to be the most amazing and accurate. You will learn how to implement this powerful system into your astrological practice, ...

  • Picking Winners with Astrology: The Astrology of Horse Racing, with Luke Bayley

    How many times have you been asked, “So can you tell me the Lotto Numbers?” This would have to one of the most misunderstood and propaganda-led public misconceptions of astrology that drives us all a little crazy.

    What started out as an exercise to determine whether the planets have a physical e...

  • The Great Conjunction: Persian Astrology Perspective, with Ehsan Khazeni

    Persian astrologers kept the track of time using several cycles, including the great conjunctions, for centuries. They based the conjunction points and cycles as one of the most deciding points of mundane astrology. The point of previous conjunction had been mentioned in birth chart of the kings ...

  • Finding the G(lobal) Spot: Mundane Astrology Locations, with Frank Piechoski

    Using astro-mapping techniques along with traditional mundane astrology practices to identify world hotspots. Bringing cycles, lunations, and events down to specific places on Earth to increase the accuracy of mundane forecasts and help make sense of world affairs.

    Frank Piechoski first began do...

  • Combining Transits and Progressions, with Cassandra Tyndall

    When the internal clock within you aligns with the external clock of the sky, we can find the "sweet spot" of predictive work that can underline exciting developments. In this webinar, you'll learn how to combine two techniques that will help you to tell what time it is in your life!

  • Outlining Your Life's Story in Your Chart, with Maria Mateus

    Astrologers have lots of timing techniques, and we each have our preferred pet methods. Each of these methods gives us glimpses into particular changes in our lives. But we don't really have a way to categorize these methods or be able to anticipate where certain changes will show up. For most of...

  • The Magic of Pattern Returns, with Jenn Zahrt, Ph.D.

    Transits describe a direct, mathematical relationship between an ambient planet and a natal planet. “Pattern returns” describe the ambient recurrence of natal factors that doesn’t always have a direct link to natal planets. These “holographic transits,” as the late Robert Blaschke called them, ex...

  • The Saros Cycle, with Bill Meridian

    The Saros Cycle is the great regulator of eclipses. See how each cycle creates a theme that can be reactivated in the future.

    Bill Meridian obtained his MBA in 1972 and began to study astrology in the same year. Bill first began applying computers to financial astrology in 1983, as he continues ...

  • Accurate Timing With Secondary Progressions, with Julene Louis

    “What will happen?” “When will it happen?” and “How long will it last?” are questions astrologers frequently get asked. This lecture focuses on natal planets becoming angular by progression, progressed angles aspecting natal planets, natal aspects becoming exact by progression, and other importan...

  • Comets and Astrology, featuring Rod Chang

    Comets are associated with taboos in people’s hearts. Whenever people see comets, they immediately believe that something unlucky or disastrous will happen. In this presentation, Rod talks about what ancient astrologers considered when they gave predictions regarding comets, the modern astrologer...

  • Mars in Transits: Work Fast, but Think Twice, with Miłosława Krogulska

    Do you know this feeling when you've got too much work on your plate and your eyes are bigger than your belly? Time flies and people don’t help you, just slow you down? Don’t panic, this is Mars in transit! He brings a big portion of energy, but many astrologers do not follow these transits serio...

  • Decennials: An Ancient Predictive System, with Joseph Crane, M.A.

    From the ancient world we find the roots of many of our modern astrological predictive techniques: transits, progressions and directions, solar returns. Planetary period (or chronocrator) systems, however, fell by the wayside, and that’s unfortunate, for they look at human time within a different...

  • Dancing Stars: Combining the Synodic Cycles of Venus and Mars, with Nick Dagan Best

    The synodic cycles of Venus and Mars can be applied to any style of astrology. The symmetrical eight-year Venus cycle repeats its retrogrades in the same five areas of the zodiac, while Mars emphasizes its asymmetrical fifteen-year retrograde cycle more on one end of the zodiac than the other. Th...

  • Using the Synodic Cycle of Mercury as an Effective Timing Tool, with Brian Clark

    Mercury’s thoroughfare through the heavens forms an extraordinary cycle with the Sun. In this presentation, Brian considers Mercury’s synodic cycle as a timing technique for writing a thesis, organizing a road trip, preparing an event, planning the next semester of teaching, researching a present...

  • Annus Horribilis: Mutation, Adaptation and Neptune, with Damian Rocks

    Neptune transits tend to fall into the background in a predictive astrologer’s toolbox, yet often coincide with some of the most difficult periods in a client’s life. Neptune’s influence can be hard to define, and so by transit, its effects can be difficult to work with. Yet when impacting a clie...

  • The Amazing Accuracy of Solar Arcs, with Georgia Stathis

    Georgia Stathis talks about the techniques of using solar arcs.

  • Time Travel and Astrological Prediction, with Michael Lutin

    Planetary motion as a tool for healing and recovery.

    We all need perspective and renewal right now and we need it bad. This is the perfect moment .

    My time machine is not the Hollywood version or Einstein‘s theory of matter or gravity.

    Mine is astrological.

    When planetary transits form aspect...

  • How to Predict Date-Stamped News Headlines, with Jessica Adams

    Use asteroids and other objects to make date-stamped predictions of news headlines, months or even years before they happen. Work with exact transits - and history - to genuinely see into the future.

  • How to Predict World Events, with Joni Patry

    The cycles of planets, aspects, and retrogrades determine the economy, social crises, and natural disasters. How to predict war and destruction, global disease, earthquakes, assassinations, airline crashes and terrorist attacks. This class is about cycles. To understand where events will occur in...

  • Milestones of Life: Outer Planet Turning Points, with Anya Kezerashvili

    Midlife crisis of one’s early 40s is the most famous (or infamous) life milestone — but what are the other ones? This talk is about the “grand scheme” of things in one’s life. We’ll take a look at how twists and turns of life get reflected by the cycles of faraway planets: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune...

  • Nakshatras: Your Best Days to Do Important Things Each Month, with Julene Louis

    This is a powerful technique that is simple to use. The 27 Nakshatras of Vedic astrology have dispositions of soft, fierce, sharp, moveable, fixed, light, and swift. For instance moveable nakshatras are good for travel, changing careering or moving residence, while fixed nakshatras are good for b...