Elections for Surgery, with Dorothy Oja
Horary and Electional Astrology
Electing a date in the future for an important event to unfold is one of the biggest challenges of astrology. It draws on the astrologer’s skill to create a moment not yet born. In the case of choosing a surgery date, it carries a huge responsibility. We’ll study the rules and conditions necessary to elect the best date possible, knowing that no date will be perfect in all cases, but surely some are more perfect than others.
Up Next in Horary and Electional Astrology
Astrología Horaria: Como Encontrar Ob...
La astrología horaria es una técnica que responde preguntas puntuales usando la carta del momento de la pregunta.
Horary Astrology: Choosing the Houses...
When beginners to horary have problems, the change with which they have the most difficulty is assigning the people in the question to the right houses. In this workshop, we review how to pick the houses that a question demands.
J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D., has a Ph.D. in Botany from Rutgers University...
Love Triangles and Complex Relationsh...
Astrologers, and horary astrologers, are frequently asked questions about the potential of various relationships, romantic or business. In this class, we review traditional horary principles for answering relationship questions, and discuss how to delineate questions about another person in a rel...