Relationship and Marriage Indicators, featuring Theodore Naicker
Relationship Astrology
Can astrology delineate the difference between a relationship, a proposal, and a marriage? We investigate methods to look ahead for peak periods of relationship and marriage, and the triggers for these. We also discuss those patterns and indicators that usually bring these relationships under strain and the indicators of divorce. This talk is most useful for people who are familiar with and have a special interest in the astrology of relationships. A pragmatic blend of traditional and modern astrological techniques are showcased.
Theodore Naicker has a background as a petroleum engineer in the oil and gas industry and has been practicing astrology professionally since 2014. He began learning psychological astrology in 2010, then moved onto traditional western astrology with qualifications in natal, horary, mundane, locational, and medical branches. He has a Diploma in Medieval Astrology (Zoller, 2012) and a Diploma in Astrological Studies (Suskin, 2014).
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